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Mukono High Court Launched at Court Open Day
Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe at the launch of the Mukono High Court Open day

Mukono. Thursday April 19, 2018 was a joyous celebration as institutions under the Justice Law and Order assembled at Mukono District Grounds for the launch of Mukono High Court circuit.

It was a double celebration as the court had a Court Open Day under the theme "Increase Access to Justice " where members of the public interacted freely with Judicial Officers.

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, who presided over the function urged Government to increase the number of judges and judges to improve service delivery and also fight case backlog.

"Uganda has a population of more than 37 million people but has only 52 judges who cannot perform as expected," he said.

He added that the Judiciary needs more than 100 Chief Magistrates and more than 500 Grade One magistrates to dispense justice adequately.

In 2009, Parliament passed a resolution to increase the number of judges from 50 to 82 but this is yet to be effected.

Civic and religious leaders from greater Mukono attended the function where the Chief Justice urged them to use their platforms to voice the plight of the Judiciary.

Theseincluded MP Hon. Betty Nambooze, District Chairperson Mr Andrew Ssenyonga, BuikweDistrict Chairperson Mr Matthias Kigongo and Minister for Water, Hon. Ronald Kibuule.

He said although Ugandans demand justice, 95% of them cannot seek such services because they do not know how to access them.

The Chief Justice was saddened by what he called undue intervention by security and high-profile leaders in judicial work to the extent that some people shun courts and seek intervention from these people who, through influence peddling,upset normal proceedings.

"People seeking these people's unlawful assistance forget that politicians will not be around tomorrow, unlike courts of law which are here to stay. Politicians and guns cannot offer a permanent solution. Where will you go when they depart?" he asked.

The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr. Yorokamu Bamwine, speaking at the same function said interference had exacerbated case backlog.

In her remarks, Mukono resident judge appealed to the district leaders to provide land for the construction of High Court premises.

She hailed plea bargaining for decreasing case backlog.

The function was funded by the Justice, Law and Order Sector.

Posted 20th, April 2018
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